ισχυροί βόρειοι άνεμοι που φυσάνε στην ανατολική Mεσόγειο ιδίως κατά το καλοκαίρι. strong northerly winds blowing in the eastern mediterranean especially during the summer.


To all my friends who are spending this day with loved ones, may you enjoy your day and your feast (hopefully with minimal arguments and indigestion). To all my friends who are spending this day with the grief of the loss of loved ones, may the warmth of memories and the love and good times that you shared with those no longer with you bring you some comfort and even joy. To all my friends who are spending this day alone, possibly feeling isolated and despairing, since the loss of what we never had can hit pretty hard too, remember that this is just a day and that you are loved more than you know. To all my friends, regardless of where you find yourself today (even those of you in other countries who are scratching your head trying to figure out what on earth I am talking about on a Thursday), take a moment to appreciate the day, to be thankful, to laugh, to reach out to someone. And do it again tomorrow.

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